2023-01-192023-01-192019SILVA, Robson Heleno da; MESQUITA, Valena Jacob Chaves. Governança fundiária e combate ao trabalho escravo no Pará = Land governance and the slave labor combat in Pará. In: ENCONTRO DA ASSOCIAÇÃO LUSO-BRASILEIRA DE JURISTAS DO TRABALHO - JUTRA, 15., Belém, PA. Anais do [...]. Organizadores: Valena Jacob Chaves Mesquita, Luis Carlos Moro. Ananindeua, PA: Itacaiúnas, 2019. p. 22-42. ISBN 978-85-9535-155-4. Tema: Onde vamos, Pará? Vamos, Pará! Disponível em: https://livroaberto.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/prefix/1134. Acesso em:.https://livroaberto.ufpa.br/handle/prefix/1134It analyzes the Voluntary Guidelines for Responsible Land Governance, Fisheries and Forestry Resources in the context of Food Security, in order to identify if these can help in the fight against slave labor in Pará. Through explanatory bibliographical research, it identifies guidelines that can contribute to the confrontation, affecting the bases of slavery in the state. It characterizes governance as participatory land management, which aims at sustainable social and economic development, with the Guidelines aimed at promoting and guaranteeing tenure, equitable access to land and natural resources. It concludes that the guidelines can help in the fight against slave labor in the Amazon region.porAcesso AbertoGovernança - DiretrizesGovernança fundiáriaTrabalho escravoGuidelinesLand governanceSlave laborGovernança fundiária e combate ao trabalho escravo no ParáLand governance and the slave labor combat in ParáCapítulo de Livro