2023-06-142023-06-142017GUIMARÃES, José Augusto Chaves et al. A dimensão teórica da análise de domínio na produção científica brasileira de Ciência da Informação = The theoretical dimension of domain analysis in the brazilian scientific production in Information Science. In: PINHO, Fabio Assis; GUIMARÃES, José Augusto Chaves (org.). Memória, tecnologia e cultura na organização do conhecimento. Recife, PE: Ed. UFPE, 2017. p. 34-47. (Estudos Avançados em Organização do Conhecimento, v. 4). ISBN: 978-85-415-0913-8. Disponível em: https://livroaberto.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/prefix/1201. Acesso em:.https://livroaberto.ufpa.br/handle/prefix/1201In the advances of the socio-cognitive theories in Information Science (IS), there is an increasing importance of the studies on domain analysis, which are reflected in the Brazilian scientific production of the area. Howere, there has not been yet a systematization of the behavior of this domain in the Literature. The aim in this paper is to investigate how the Brazilian community in IS has been working on this subject in the scientific literature, as well as its base of theoreticians that are used in the references. The BRAPCI database, the ENANCIB proceeding, ISKO-Brasil proceedings, and databases of theses and dissertations of Brazilian academic graduate programs in CI were used to find the presence of the term "domain" (in the keywords, titles, and abstracts) and then apply bibliometric and content analyses. The results reveal groups of excellence working on in this topic and a significant scientific collaboration. The seminal theoretical authors that are used as references, Dahlberg and Hjørland, represent, respectively, a more ontological view and a more sociocognitive view of the area. It is concluded that the Brazilian IS is increasingly productive on this topic, with some core groups of excellence, and a strong link with the topics of knowledge organization and metric studies in information.porAcesso AbertoAnálise de domínioAnálise bibliométricaOrganização do conhecimentoAnálise de conteúdoDomain analysisBibliometric analysisKnowledge organizationContent analysisA Dimensão teórica da análise de domínio na produção científica brasileira de Ciência da InformaçãoThe theoretical dimension of domain analysis in the brazilian scientific production in Information ScienceCapítulo de Livro