2019-06-032019-06-032019COSTA, Elisangela Silva da; VIDAL, Suely Paraense. Produtos e serviços oferecidos pela Biblioteca Central Prof. Clodoaldo Beckmann da UFPA: o que pensam os usuários?. In: TERRA, Guilhermina de Melo (org.). Biblioteconomia e os ambientes de informação. Ponta Grossa, PR: Atena, 2019. v. 1, cap. 23, p. 241-256. E-book. Disponível em: http://livroaberto.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/prefix/610. Acesso em:.https://livroaberto.ufpa.br/handle/prefix/610It is the analysis of the results obtained during an application of an Opinion Survey about the products and services offered by the Central Library Prof. Clodoaldo Beckmann at UFPA. The methodology adopted was the field survey in which mixed questionnaires were used as a data collection instrument, applied to users who attended BC / UFPA from November 2016 to April 2017. The questionnaire was elaborated based on LibQual + TM , a standardized evaluation tool for information units, aiming to define and measure the quality of the libraries by means of evaluation instruments adapted from the SERVQUAL model, created by Parasuraman, Berry and Zeitham (1988), and estimated by means of a scale the perceived quality of service consumers of administrative services. The research had as subject members of the academic community at UFPA. Out of a total of 143 users searched; the largest participation was of the students that answered 128 questionnaires. The research had as subject members of the academic community at UFPA, which makes an amount of 61,938 individuals, however the Central Library receives an average frequency of 1,700 users by day (UFPA, 2017). It concludes that evaluative research always provides good indicators of the strengths and weaknesses of the institution and for this same reason it is recommended that work of this nature be carried out periodically so that the institutions are always related to the informational demands and interest of theirs user communities.porAcesso AbertoBiblioteca universitáriaUsuáriosPesquisa de satisfaçãoAvaliação de serviçosProdutos e serviços oferecidos pela Biblioteca Central Prof. Clodoaldo Beckmann da UFPA: o que pensam os usuários?Capítulo de Livro