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Capítulo de Livro Acesso aberto (Open Access) Ensino, pesquisa e extensão nos 56 anos da faculdade de biblioteconomia da UFPA(2020) REDIGOLO, Franciele Marques; SILVA SOBRINHO, Telma Socorro; SOUZA, Carlos Antônio Braga deCapítulo de Livro Acesso aberto (Open Access) Indexação e descrição arquivística: relações histórico-conceituais(2017) CÂNDIDO, Gilberto Gomes; BARROS, Thiago Henrique Bragato; REDIGOLO, Franciele MarquesIn way to discuss about the theoretical and practical meaning of the word indexing in Archivology, it was sought to investigate concectual relations that it presents to the área in question. At one first moment the word indexing is seen in Archivology by Schellenberg, (1980) on XIX and XX centuries as a process witch has as base the cataloguing, which comes from Tematic Treatment of Information (TTI), at a second moment with automation in 80’s decade, it pass to be understood as a process related to description of the archive document presented by International Autority Archival Register Standard International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families- ISAAR (CPF), which exposes some elements/characters who must be observed when extracting the word from the docmment for it’s representation. However, the Norm ISAAR (CPF) only directs the Archiver on representartion of information, not presenting methods that could help in it’s analysis, by the way, keeps the necessity of the discussion about the methods of TTI in Archivology.Capítulo de Livro Acesso aberto (Open Access) Indexação e desinformação: possíveis relações(2023) REDIGOLO, Franciele Marques; MOURA, Ana Roberta Pinheiro; FURTADO, Renata LiraGeneral objective: To investigate the possible relationships between the concept of Indexing and Disinformation. Specific objectives: Theoretically structure the themes listed in the research; Process and treat the data collected; Present and analyze the results found. the research has as its question “What is the relationship between Indexing and Misinformation?” Methodology: The research is divided into three stages: bibliographical research, data processing by Wordart and presentation in the form of a word cloud. Results: By means of a conceptual representation, the collected terms are crossed and three possibilities of relationship between Indexing and Misinformation are shown: possibility of registering false data in information systems, possibility of indexing wrong information and recalling information. Conclusion: Disinformation stands out as an informational phenomenon, which, associated with the characteristics of the indexing process, can cause problems due to the recall of information, the presence of false data and the lack of information. Thus, there is a need to deepen studies on the themes, with the intention of reducing or mitigating these possibilities of damage caused by Misinformation, in view of the search for information in technologically mediated systemsLivro Acesso aberto (Open Access) Percursos da Ciência da Informação para o desenvolvimento sustentável na Amazônia(Instituto de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas - ICSA/UFPA , 2025) CONDURÚ, Marise Teles; REDIGOLO, Franciele Marques; SILVA SOBRINHO, Telma Socorro; SANTOS NETO, João Arlindo dos; ANDRADE, Wendia Oliveira de; SIQUEIRA, Fabiana Aparecida Chagas;;;;;;;;;;;;ítulo de Livro Acesso aberto (Open Access) Procedimentos para leitura documentária de objetos museológicos de coleções zoológicas: contribuições para análise de assunto em museus(2023) CARVALHO, Raul de Azevedo; REDIGOLO, Franciele Marques; FUJITA, Mariângela Spotti LopesThis article aims to present observations on procedures for documental reading of museological objects from zoological collections in order to contribute to the development of a methodology for understanding the content and subject analysis. For this purpose, a survey of the available literature and an introspective collection of data were carried out through the application of the Individual Verbal Protocol with five professionals who perform the cataloging of zoological collections. The results made it possible to identify the strategies used by professionals to carry out documentary reading and determine the subject of their museological objects and the subsidies for the creation of a model of documentary reading of museological objects for zoology collections. It is concluded, therefore, that subject analysis in the museological context, as the first step towards indexing, needs to be well delineated to assist professionals in the subject analysis process in the museological context.