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  • Capítulo de LivroAcesso aberto (Open Access)
    Uma Análise in loco da degradação ambiental hídrica: o caso da microbacia hidrográfica do rio Peixe-Boi no estado do Pará
    (2015) CARVALHO, André Cutrim; SILVA JÚNIOR, Antônio Rodrigues da; SILVA, Adriana Oliveira Souza da; CASTRO, Auristela Correa
    This article has as object of study a brief analysis of water environmental degradation in a defined section of the watershed Manatee River, which is housed within the territorial limits of Manatee County, State of Pará, from the perspective of the adoption of the watershed as a management unit. The methodology is based in the systemic analysis of water resources, as well as in obtaining data (bibliographies, photos and interviews) prevailing for the understanding and development of the theme presented. The main conclusion of this study is the lack of commitment of the government towards water issues in the State of Pará, particularly in Manatee County, which provided evidence of a recurrent and disturbing process water environmental degradation due to technical failure and professional local managers in materializing the guidelines of the State Water Resources Plan (PERH in Brazil), which creates a gap in the city's relationship with the state.
  • Capítulo de LivroAcesso aberto (Open Access)
    Estrutura fundiária e relações sociais de produção no estado do Pará: uma abordagem centrada na análise comparativa para o período de 1970 a 2010
    (2016) NASCIMENTO, Mônica de Nazaré Corrêa Ferreira; FILGUEIRAS, Gisalda Carvalho; CARVALHO, André Cutrim; PIMENTEL, Cleyton Alves Candeira
    The main objective of this study was to determine the main changes in land ownership resulting from land occupation process and analyze the social relations of production in the last thirty years in the state of Pará. From a methodological point of view, methods were used comparative analysis for the period 1970-2010, in which the degrees of land factor concentration were investigated and also calculated the rural-urban migration rate of the populations of North and Pará in the last forty years. The data were obtained from the official statistics of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and the records of Rural Property conducted by the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA). The results revealed a strongly concentrating structure of land ownership, both in the North as in the state of Pará, which, perhaps, be explained as one of the push factors of the rural population to the cities and land conflicts in the region. And, as the results of live migration, there was significant inflow of migrants in the North and in the State of Pará over the analysis period, with low reduction in the decades of ninety fundamentally from the year 2000. In the social relations of production, it was observed that the owners are - at least - keeping your space with a reduction only exploited in seasonal crop activity, according to Census 2006. In addition, all other economic activities analyzed - such as livestock and permanent crop - between 1980 and 2006 have expanded. The tenants and partners significantly increased their participation both in terms of number of establishments as occupied areas, developing, especially the permanent and temporary crops, especially tenants in temporary farming activity, which in the last census in 2006 had a variation above 1.400%, compared to 1995.
  • Capítulo de LivroAcesso aberto (Open Access)
    Alternativas institucionais em favor da sustentabilidade do meio ambiente na Amazônia Paraense: uma perspectiva de debate através do novo institucionalismo econômico
    (2016) CARVALHO, André Cutrim; PIMENTEL, Cleyton Alves Candeira; SILVA JÚNIOR, Antônio Rodrigues da; FILGUEIRAS, Gisalda Carvalho
    In general, the purpose of this article is to offer a theoretical discussion from the perspective of the new economic institutionalism, seeking to emphasize mainly the environmental governance mechanisms that are being used in favor of maintaining the sustainability in Pará Amazon. In this design, the institutions represent the collective behavior patterns, constitutive of the cultural universe of organized civil society, that is, an institution can be characterized by the ability to define choices and have decision-making mechanisms. In these terms, governance expression acts as a kind of synonym for administration or management, and includes the relevant actions on collection and use of the resources needed to establish demanded relations and directed to a common purpose of a given private or public organization, for example. Already environmental governance brings together all the institutional mechanisms of public and private actions for monitoring the impacts of economic activities on the environment and use of natural resources in a given territory of a region. The main conclusion of this work is that one can not rule out the discussion that is being held in the Pará Amazon on alternative institutional methods of dispute resolution based on customary rules, arbitration, conciliation or mediation by third parties. It is understood, therefore, that the environmental governance mechanisms adopted in government policies deforestation to combat management in the region, especially with the traceability of bovine chain, the use of environmental licensing and also the adoption of the Rural Environmental Registry, they have obtained positive results in terms of control and reduction of deforestation in the region.
  • Capítulo de LivroAcesso aberto (Open Access)
    Relação de produção da soja no estado do Pará
    (2016) MATOS, Marcílio da Silva; FILGUEIRAS, Gisalda Carvalho; SIMÕES, Jorge Eduardo Macedo; CARVALHO, André Cutrim
    The objective was to analyze the degree of Para soybean farmers dependence with the trading companies. For this, he described the production chain of soy in Pará, in order to verify the participation of the producer in the chain and how multinationals are inserted in the production process of this culture. We used data through literature and secondary origin, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the National Supply Company (CONAB) and the Brazilian Yearbook of Agriculture (AGRIANUAL). The results indicated a high dependency ratio of producers before the trading companies, setting up a hierarchical governance, whose private credit acts to replace the public determining the rules and soy production chain standards in the state of Para, hindering thus the soybean farmers to take their own decisions.
  • Capítulo de LivroAcesso aberto (Open Access)
    A Distribuição espacial do crédito PRONAF no estado do Pará entre 2000 a 2015
    (2017) OLIVEIRA, Diego Alves Guimarães de; CORRÊA, Alan Tiago; FILGUEIRAS, Gisalda Carvalho; CARVALHO, André Cutrim
    The central objective of this work was to characterize the spatial distribution of the National Program of the Family Farming Strengthening (PRONAF) in the state of Pará, for the years 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015, Provided exclusively by the Banco da Amazônia. Methodologically, employed was the Geographic Information System (SIG), which is characterized as a tool that allows you to make a territorial analysis of the municipalities and Pará mesoregions that benefited from that program. Additionally, because it is to have knowledge of the regions where the funding is being targeted, we used the studies of Economic Ecological Zoning areas (EEZ), from EMBRAPA. The results of this research indicated a PRONAF credit concentration for Pará Southeast and Northeast mesoregions, , though - over the analysis period it was found a better redistribution of resources to other mesoregions (Metropolitan Region of Belém, Southwest, Marajó and Lower Amazon) it nevertheless highlights that situation by inherent characteristics of each middle region, the ones less benefited from resource were: Metropolitan Region of Belém and Marajó.
  • Capítulo de LivroAcesso aberto (Open Access)
    Análise da decomposição estrutural: uma abordagem do Plano de Desenvolvimento Regional Sustentável da Região de Integração do Xingu, Pará
    (2020) FILGUEIRAS, Gisalda Carvalho; CARVALHO, André Cutrim; PEREIRA, João Nepomuceno de Faria; CALDAS, Benedito Barros
    The Xingu Sustainable Regional Development Plan – PDRSXingu aimed to implement policies that promote sustainable development and improve the quality of life of the population. The municipalities of the Xingu Integration Region are in the area covered by SUDAM and it is understood that it is pertinent to monitor the implementation of the Hydroeletric Plant - Belo Monte HPP. The works began in 2011 and was inaugurated in 2016 and fully implemented in 2019. In March/2016, the main structures and assets used for the construction of the project were demobilized. Considering this Plan, this article aimed to analyze the same, both in terms prior to its implementation (2008), as well as after its completion (2015). The application of the input matrixes product (IMP) of the aforementioned years was used, and by the variable use, the structural decomposition analysis (SDA) was performed. The result showed that it is not enough to implement and move a project in the medium term, but to introduce alternatives for local development after the completion of a large work the Belo Monte HPP, because, necessarily when a work ends, in this large case, funding is emptied and with it jobs, income, with great loss to the local and regional market.
  • Capítulo de LivroAcesso aberto (Open Access)
    A Contribuição do Fundo Constitucional do Norte para o desenvolvimento regional no período de 2012-2018
    (2021) CORRÊA, Alan Tiago; FILGUEIRAS, Gisalda Carvalho; CUTRIM, André Carvalho
    The creation of the Constitutional Fund for Financing of the North – FNO, administered by banco da Amazônia, has served as an essential tool for achieving the goal of minimizing the unequal distributions of credit historically more concentrated in the South and Southeast regions. In this direction, this work has as its basic objective to characterize the distribution of FNO credits, in the period from 2012 to 2018, in order to ascertain whether the FNO contributed significantly to the development of the Northern Region. Specifically, the problem raised in the study originated from the following question: Has the FNO really been an important credit line for the region's development process? The methodology was quantitative qualitative research, descriptive and through secondary data (database, reports and bibliographies specialized in the theme Regional Development and Regional Development Policies. The results show that the financing offered by the FNO positively impacts the economy of the resource-receiving States. The Fund's credits favor the increase in employment, income and production in the regions where the projects financed are carried out, as well as in other regions with which economic flows of partnerships are established.
  • Capítulo de LivroAcesso aberto (Open Access)
    Energia e poluição versus emprego e renda: relações intersetoriais na economia do meio ambiente
    (2018) SILVA, Sérgio Felipe Melo da; FILGUEIRAS, Gisalda Carvalho
  • Capítulo de LivroAcesso aberto (Open Access)
    Mineração e desenvolvimento sustentável: dimensões, critérios e propostas de instrumentos
    (2007) ENRÍQUEZ, Maria Amélia Rodrigues da Silva; DRUMMOND, Jose Augusto Leitão
  • Capítulo de LivroAcesso aberto (Open Access)
    A Mineração das grandes minas e as dimensões da sustentabilidade
    (2011) ENRÍQUEZ, Maria Amélia Rodrigues da Silva; FERNANDES, Francisco Rego Chaves; ALAMINO, Renata de Carvalho Jimenez
  • Capítulo de LivroAcesso aberto (Open Access)
    A Formação de cadeias produtivas integradas: do potencial APL de ferro‐gusa ao APL metal‐mecânico de Marabá
    (2011) COSTA, Eduardo José Monteiro da; CARVALHO, David Ferreira; CARVALHO, André Cutrim